2022年经济学人 无尾彗星可能对地球构成威胁(2)(在线收听

Another of the reasons for this lack of notice is that, having fallen so far through the Sun's gravitational field to get there, Oort-cloud objects are, by the time they reach the inner solar system, travelling fast.


If one hit Earth it would have an impact velocity of 50-70km per second, about three times that of a nearby asteroid.


And smaller rocks with such velocities (and therefore presumably of Oort-cloud origin) do enter the atmosphere from time to time.


One such was observed, as Denis Vida of the University of Western Ontario told the meeting, by a programme called the Meteorite Observation and Recovery Project, which watches for meteors over Alberta, in western Canada.


The object in question weighed about 2kg - too small to reach Earth's surface.


Instead, it burned up in the atmosphere as a fireball.


But its velocity meant it came closer to the ground than most fireballs of that size, ending its run at a height of just over 46km, whereas 70-80km is normal.


However, penetration that far into the atmosphere also meant it must have been a lump of solid rock, rather than the fragile icy conglomerate that standard comets are made of.


A kitten, then, of a Manx comet.


Intrigued, Dr Vida searched the astronomical literature for similar fireballs.


He found two others: one seen in the 1980s by the Albertan instrument's predecessor; the second noticed over the Czech Republic in the 1990s.


He then compared the two examples detected over Alberta with the number of high-speed fireballs seen by the same instruments that disintegrated in the upper atmosphere, and were thus, presumably, made of cometary material rather than solid rock.


This gave him a rough estimate (about 6%) of the amount of rocky, as opposed to cometary, material in the steady rain that is falling from the Oort cloud - and thus of the ratio of rocks to conglomerates in that cloud.


This figure, which matches what other researchers have concluded is the proportion of comets which are of the Manx variety, matters to those interested in the formation of the solar system.


They need to explain how such substantial quantities of solid rock - a substance thought likely to have formed only near the Sun, since it requires the stuff of the primordial solar nebula to have been concentrated into large objects, then melted and differentiated - ended up so far away from its birthplace.


As it happens, this mystery is the inverse of another, which is that there is less rocky material than expected between the orbits of Earth and Jupiter, the part of the solar system occupied by Mars and the asteroid belt.


One explanation put forward for this is the “Grand Tack” hypothesis, that a juvenile Jupiter moved temporarily closer to the Sun, thus disturbing the asteroid belt and sending much of its contents into the Sun, into outer space or into the Oort cloud.


Manx comets and their kittens suggest this is exactly what occurred.


Just hope that one of those returning exiles does not pay Earth a visit on its way.

