纪录片《文明》 第181期 进步崇拜(13)(在线收听

People from Asia and Africa were displayed to the public in mock villages...


Along with their art...


And their architecture.


In the heart of the capital,the cultures of colonial peoples were here being contrasted with the assumed superiority of France.


In the view of the time, it was the sophistication of French civilisation,

在当时看来 法兰西文明的复杂与成熟

with its links back through the Enlightenment,the Renaissance and to the classical world,

以及其与启蒙运动 文艺复兴和古典世界的联系

that gave France the right to rule over the supposedly primitive peoples of her empire.

使法国自认为有权 统治帝国境内所谓的原始人民

And so the organisers of the Exposition Universelle imagined that visitors who came here would revel at the sight of members of these supposedly lower races on display,

因此在世界博览会组织者的想象中来到这里的参观者 将会因为看到这些被展出的所谓低级种族 而狂欢陶醉

and that they'd do so confident in the belief that they were being guided by France and her civilising mission.

并且他们满怀信心地相信 他们是在遵循法兰西及其文明开化使命的指引

What visitors were not supposed to do was to see in the art and the culture of Africa and Asia the potential for an escape from Europe and from Western civilisation.

组织者不希望参观者从非洲与亚洲的艺术和文化中看到的 是逃离欧洲 逃离西方文明的可能性

And yet that is exactly the view taken by an artist who was one of the 28 million people who passed under the Eiffel Tower and entered the exposition in the summer of 1889.

而这却正是1889年夏天穿过埃菲尔铁塔进入博览会的 两千八百万参观者中的一名艺术家 所获得的领悟

His name was Paul Gauguin,a former city trader who had lost it all in the financial crash of 1882.

他的名字是保罗·高更 曾是一名在1882年经济危机中 倾家荡产的证券交易员

He'd grown to hate the stifling conventions of bourgeois society.

他早已痛恨资产阶段社会中 令人窒息的条规

He wanted to leave it all behind and find somewhere not yet tainted by the artificiality of modern life.


The restless Gauguin had already sought escape in the quiet backwaters of France and Martinique.

在法国和马提尼克平静的死水里 不安歇的高更都曾寻求逃离

But each time he had returned to Paris.


Now, after visiting the exposition and seeing its colonial villages,


Gauguin decided that in order to find paradise, he should head for the South Pacific,for the island of Tahiti.

高更决定 为了寻找天堂 他要前往南太平洋前往塔希提岛

As Gauguin left, he wrote to a friend,


"The European Gauguin has ceased to exist."


To him, Tahiti represented an almost mythical Eden.

于他而言 塔希提代表着近乎神话般的伊甸园
