纪录片《文明》 第195期 重要的火花(7)(在线收听

This is a picture about animation.


Of course it's affected by, if not really about, New York.

即使表现的不是纽约 也很明显受其影响

Of course it pulses with energy.


Why are those lines broken,if not to make the paint pulse and flicker and shine and shimmy?

如果不是为了 使它跳动摆动 发光闪烁 这些线条为何断裂

Abstraction had been,under Mondrian's presidential authority,a very sober, austere,deliberate kind of business.

在蒙德里安独一无二的影响下 抽象成为一种非常严肃 严格 审慎的事情

People had treated him almost as if he was a kind of high priest of philosophical purity,and here he is essentially all about what?

人们几乎把他当做哲学纯净的领袖一样来对待 那他从本质上来说做了些什么

He is about play.


Broadway Boogie-Woogie was followed by Victory Boogie-Woogie.


Though it was unfinished at Mondrian's death in February 1944,


when victory was far from a done deal,the patches and strips of colour paper,

胜利也未实现 蒙德里安移动彩纸上的色块和线条来调整画作

which Mondrian could move around to fine-tune the composition,give it a jumping, flickering energy almost as though he could sense the celebration that would come.

正是这些色块和线条 赋予了这幅画跳动的活力 就好像他能够感觉到庆祝即将到来

It's official, it's all over. It's total victory.

正式宣布 真正结束了 我们取得了胜利

That hit of liberated, jubilant energy was sustained by the abstractions painted in New York after the war...

那开放又欢欣的能量冲击 通过战后纽约的抽象绘画 得到了延续

..Abstractions pumped up with the vitality of expressionism.


Jackson Pollock's pictures were monumental in scale and ferociously physical in execution.

杰克逊·波洛克的画在画幅上更大 创作上更加粗放

Mondrian's calculated finesse had been swept aside by instinctive whiplash dripping and staining.

蒙德里安精心的技巧被放置一旁 取而代之的是直觉挥洒下的斑点染色

It was all "Look at me" action,and when you did look,you got a nonstop loop of the drama of the painting's creation.

它在说着"看我啊" 当你真正看时 你就能看到一个永不停止的循环 颜料的创作成了一出戏剧

Yet somehow none of this dissolved into chaos.

然而不知怎么 没有任何一部分被混乱溶解

What the best Pollocks delivered was a rhythmically orchestrated web of line and colour.

波洛克的最佳画作所织就的是一张有节奏且协调统一的网 布满了线条和颜色

Pollock and the other giants of abstract expressionism were hailed as heroic individualists...

波洛克和其他抽象表现主义的大家 被誉为英勇的先驱者
