纪录片《文明》 第201期 重要的火花(13)(在线收听

but the carving enshrines the values of the Confederate slave states and Stone Mountain has become the site for annual gatherings of the Klan.

但这浮雕铭刻下了联盟国蓄奴州的价值 石岭成为了三K党每年都要 进行集会的场所

You didn't sit around and talk about it at school or in the family or anything?

你没有在学校 家里或者其他地方 闲坐下来的时候谈起过它吗

We didn't talk about it when we got American flags with Ku Klux Klan flyers attached to them on out mailbox.

我们没提起过我们曾在信箱里收到过 附着三K党传单的美国国旗

Everybody did, it wasn't a death threat, it was just a reminder,you know, I think that was... I was perplexed by it but I don't remember anybody saying anything in particular about it.

每个人都收到了 这不是死亡恐吓 只是个提醒 我当时感觉很焦虑 但我记得没有人特意提起过这件事

That wasn't the first time that I got a Klan flyers in my life.


It just kind of became, like, a regular...


It's good that we can - you can, especially - chuckle about it,really, but it's deeply sinister.

我们现在谈起此事可以笑出来 尤其是你 这是件好事 但它确实很凶险

For more than a decade now, she's been making a shockingly defiant art of resistance.

近十几年来 她一直在进行一场非常惊人且有挑战性的艺术抗争

Using the inescapable blackness of the silhouette tradition to empty it of its myths and pieties.


Instead of sentimental storytelling,the kind that features in children's books,these silhouettes picture the violations and torments of slavery.

这些剪影图像取代了孩童课本中的那些感性的故事讲述 描绘出了奴隶制的暴力和折磨

In A Subtlety -the term given to artistically fashioned confections brought to European aristocratic tables -

在《微妙》里 使用这个标题是因为富有艺术造型的糖膏 由奴工带到了欧洲贵族的台面上来

the bitter history of sweetness made by slave labour is embodied in a colossal sphinx-like figure sculpted from sugar paste.

这段由奴工造就的痛苦而又美妙的历史 都蕴含在一个巨大的用糖膏雕刻而成的好似狮身人面像的人物中

Surrounded by molasses-dripping little attendants.


It was made in the empty shell of an old sugar factory and it is a great black and white anthem to every kind of ruin.

它建造于一座废弃的制糖厂 为所有形式的废墟献上了 一曲黑白颂歌

More recently, she's taken to making collages of drawings done in sumi ink, though the shades of grey are only technical, not moral.

不久前 她的形象出现在了用黑墨创作的拼贴画中 不过灰暗的颜色 是出于工艺原因 而不是精神主题

A recent show portrayed, in a vein of horror/comedy,the endless theatre of American violence,past and present.

最近的一场展览以恐怖喜剧的风格 描绘了从过去到现在美国上演的无休无止的暴力
