财经金融新闻 安庆枪击案(在线收听

The shooting of a man named Xu Chunhe in a train station by police in China's northeastern Heilongjiang Province has sparked uproar over the use of excessive force.


His mother, Quan Yushun, has come forward and told Caixin that her son was agitated before the argument with the police officer. She said he believed village authorities had been tracking the family's travel plans because she had gotten in trouble for panhandling in larger cities.


Xu, a farmer from Qingan County in Heilongjiang Province, was killed after a dispute with a police officerat the local train station led to him being shot.


Witnesses told Caixin that Xu pulled away the officer's baton, and hit him with it. The officer has been identified in media reports as Li Lebin. A witness said the police officer then took out his gun and a shotwas heard.


Witnesses also told Caixin that Xu threw his daughter to the ground.


Quan said her son was planning to visit Dalian, Liaoning Province, to see an aunt on May 2. He brought hismother, daughter and two sons to the railway station in Qingan County, and purchased tickets. The family then went to have lunch at a nearby restaurant and returned to the station, entering its departure hall.


Wang Shuhua, the Communist Party head of Fengman Village and another official named Deng Limin, told Caixin that authorities have blocked Quan from going to Dalian and Beijing several times to prevent her from begging on the streets.


Police have declined calls by the public for the surveillance tape to be released.


For Caixin Online, this is Diana Bates.

