财经金融新闻 禁销血袋饮料(在线收听

In today's podcast, China's food safety regulator bans beverages that look like human blood.


Drinks sold in mock blood bags with names like "Vampire Diaries" and "Imitation Blood Plasma" have become oddly popular recently, and on July 14th the State Food and Drug Administration cracked down. The regulator ordered e-commerce websites to remove the vampire drinks from shops on their platforms, and strengthened inspection at brick-and-mortar retail stores.


The regulator called the products "a marketing tactic to cater to thrill-seekers" and said that the drinks violated labeling laws and lacked regulatory approval, presenting a safety risk. As of the morning of July 15, a vampire drink called "Let's Go Sunshine" was still available from a shop on Taobao, with a message reading "for unknown reasons, this product keeps being removed, and many customers are having trouble finding it. We are sorry!" Within hours, though, it was removed again.

管理局称该产品是迎合寻求刺激群体的营销策略,称该饮料违反了标签法,并缺少注册审批,这就代表该产品存在安全风险。从7月15日早上起,一个名叫“Let's Go Sunshine”的吸血鬼饮料仍然在淘宝上售卖,并注有信息“因未知原因,该产品正在下架,许多顾客无法找到该产品,我们深感抱歉!”尽管几个小时之内,该产品再次被移除。

For Caixin English, this is James Bradbury.

