巴斯克威尔的猎犬 疑案(4)(在线收听


"And you, a trained man of science, believe it to be supernatural?"“难道您——一个有着科学素养的人, 会相信这是神怪的事吗? ”

"I do not know what to believe."


Holmes shrugged his shoulders.


"I have hitherto confined my investigations to this world," said he. "In a modest way I havecombated evil, but to take on the Father of Evil himself would, perhaps, be too ambitious a task.

Yet you must admit that the footmark is material."“至今为止, 我的调查工作的范围还仅限于人世, ”他说,“我只与罪恶做了稍许的斗争。

但是, 要接触到万恶之神, 也许就不是我之力所能及的了。 但是无论如何, 您总得承认, 脚印是实实在在的吧。”

"The original hound was material enough to tug a man's throat out, and yet he was diabolicalas well."“这只古怪的猎狗确是实在得足以撕碎人的喉咙了, 可是它又确实象是妖魔。”

"I see that you have quite gone over to the supernaturalists. But now, Dr. Mortimer, tell methis. If you hold these views why have you come to consult me at all? You tell me in the samebreath that it is useless to investigate Sir Charles's death, and that you desire me to do it."“我看得出来, 您已经非常倾向于超自然论者了 。 可是, 摩梯末医生, 现在请您告诉我,您既持有这种看法, 为什么还来找我呢? 您以同样的口气对我说, 对查尔兹爵士的死进行调查是毫无用处的, 而您却又希望我去调查。”

"I did not say that I desired you to do it."


"Then, how can I assist you?"

“那么, 我怎样才能帮助您呢? ”

"By advising me as to what I should do with Sir Henry Baskerville, who arrives at WaterlooStation" -- Dr. Mortimer looked at his watch -- "in exactly one hour and a quarter."“希望您告诉我, 对于即将抵达滑铁卢车站的亨利· 巴斯克维尔爵士应该怎么办呢? ”

摩梯末医生看了看他的表, “他在一个钟头零一刻钟之内就要到了 。”

"He being the heir?"

“他就是继承人吗? ”

"Yes. On the death of Sir Charles we inquired for this young gentleman and found that he hadbeen farming in Canada. From the accounts which have reached us he is an excellent fellow inevery way. I speak now not as a medical man but as a trustee and executor of Sir Charles's will."“对了, 查尔兹爵士死后, 我们对这位年轻的绅士进行了 调查, 才发现他一直就在加拿大务农。 根据我们的了解, 由种种方面看来, 他都是个很好的人。 我现在不是作为一个医生,而是作为查尔兹爵士遗嘱的受托人和执行人说话的。”

"There is no other claimant, I presume?"

“我想没有其他申请继承的人了吧? ”
