巴斯克威尔的猎犬 亨利· 巴斯克维尔爵士(10)(在线收听


"Exactly," said Holmes, "however foolish the incident may seem. You have lost one of yourboots, you say?"

“很对,” 福尔摩斯说, “不管这件事看来是多么的荒谬。 您是说您丢了一只皮鞋吗? ”

"Well, mislaid it, anyhow. I put them both outside my door last night, and there was only onein the morning. I could get no sense out of the chap who cleans them. The worst of it is that I onlybought the pair last night in the Strand, and I have never had them on."“唉, 还不就是放错地方了嘛。 昨晚我把两只鞋都放在房门外, 而今早就剩一只了。 我从擦这双皮鞋的那个家伙的嘴里也没问出所以然来。 最糟糕的是, 这双高筒皮鞋是我昨晚刚刚由河滨路买来的, 还没有穿过呢。”

"If you have never worn them, why did you put them out to be cleaned?"“如果您还没有穿过, 为什么您要把它放在外面去擦呢? ”

"They were tan boots and had never been varnished. That was why I put them out."“那双浅棕色的高筒皮鞋, 还没有上过油呢, 因此我就把它放在外边了 。”

"Then I understand that on your arrival in London yesterday you went out at once and boughta pair of boots?"

“那么说, 昨天您一到伦敦马上就出去买了一双高筒皮鞋吗? ”

"I did a good deal of shopping. Dr. Mortimer here went round with me. You see, if I am to besquire down there I must dress the part, and it may be that I have got a little careless in my waysout West. Among other things I bought these brown boots -- gave six dollars for them -- and hadone stolen before ever I had them on my feet."“我买了很多东西呢, 摩梯末医生陪着我跑来跑去的。 您知道, 既然我们要到那里去做个乡 绅, 那么我就必须穿着当地式样的服装, 也许我在美国西部所沾染的生活方式使我显得有些放荡不羁了呢。 除了其他东西以外, 我还买了这双棕色高筒皮鞋——付了 六块钱——可是还没有穿上脚, 就被偷去了一只。”

"It seems a singularly useless thing to steal," said Sherlock Holmes. "I confess that I share Dr.

Mortimer's belief that it will not be long before the missing boot is found."“被偷去的似乎是一件不成对就没有用处的东西, ” 歇洛克· 福尔摩斯说道,“我承认我和摩梯末医生的想法相同, 那只丢了的皮鞋不久可能就会找到的。”
