巴斯克威尔的猎犬 亨利· 巴斯克维尔爵士(16)(在线收听


"On observing the cab I should have instantly turned and walked in the other direction. Ishould then at my leisure have hired a second cab and followed the first at a respectful distance, or,better still, have driven to the Northumberland Hotel and waited there. When our unknown hadfollowed Baskerville home we should have had the opportunity of playing his own game uponhimself and seeing where he made for. As it is, by an indiscreet eagerness, which was takenadvantage of with extraordinary quickness and energy by our opponent, we have betrayedourselves and lost our man."

“在看到那辆马车的当时, 我本来应该马上转身往回走。 那时我应当不慌不忙地雇上另一辆马车, 保持相当距离跟在那辆马车的后面, 或者还不如驱车到诺桑勃兰旅馆去等。 当我们所不知道的那个人, 跟着巴斯克维尔到家的时候, 我们就能以其人之道还治其人之身, 看着他到什么地方去。 可是当时由于我的疏忽急躁, 使得咱们的对手采取了极为狡猾的行动,咱们暴露了自己, 失去了目标。”

We had been sauntering slowly down Regent Street during this conversation, and Dr.

Mortimer, with his companion, had long vanished in front of us.

我们一边谈着一边顺着摄政街漫步前进, 在我们前面的摩梯末医生和他的伙伴早就不见了。

"There is no object in our following them," said Holmes. "The shadow has departed and willnot return. We must see what further cards we have in our hands and play them with decision.

Could you swear to that man's face within the cab?"“现在再尾随他们也没有什么意义了, ” 福尔摩斯说道,“盯梢的人走了, 就不会再回来了。 咱们必须考虑一下, 咱们手里还剩下哪几张牌, 用就要用得果断。 你能认出车中人的面貌吗? ”

"I could swear only to the beard."

