华盛顿邮报 Z世代进入美国国会--对中期选举有什么影响?(2)(在线收听

So let's just start by having you guys introduce yourself and say who you are and what you do.


And, Mariana, why don't we start with you?


Yeah. So, my name is Mariana Alfaro. I am one of the anchors of "Post Politics Now," which is The Post's live-update politics feed that you can find on the homepage every day of the week.

好。我叫玛丽安娜·阿尔法罗。我是“Post Politics Now”栏目的主持人,这档节目是邮报的实时政治动态广播,你可以在每周的首页上找到它。

I'm Carmella Boykin. I'm on The Washington Post TikTok team.


So, day to day, I make TikToks, but then, also, I do some live interviews, and that's why I'm here, talking to you guys about gen Z and politicians.


And my name is Matt Brown. I'm a reporter on The Washington Post democracy team, covering voting rights and election administration.


And to be clear, are you all, like, actual gen Z'ers? Like, what is the -- What are you?

先说清楚,你们真的都是Z世代的人吗? 你们是哪代人?

I consider myself as a zillennial.


Sorry. A what?


A zillennial.


So I'm, like, right on the cusp, yeah.


Between gen Z and millennial.


I used to think I was a millennial, and then I interacted with more millennials, and I realized that I was, like, too bit on the younger edge to get a lot of the references, a lot of the, like, lifestyle choices.


And then -- but then I don't fully identify as gen Z because I have a gen Z sister.


Like, she's hard-core gen Z. She was born in 2003.


So, you know, when I see her and her friends, I feel ancient.


So there's that weird in between the people born in '96 and I think like late '97 that are, you know, 25, 26 right now.


We don't really fit fully in one category, but, yeah.


Wait. So, Carmella and Matt, are you guys also zillennials?


No, I'm a full-on gen Z, but I know exactly what you're talking about because you talk to some gen Z who are born in like 2003 and you're like, "Oh, I'm gen Z, but am I really Gen Z?"


Like I'm the older part of gen Z, which is a little weird.


Matt, what about you?


Yeah, 100%. I'm definitely a zillennial, as well.

对, 百分百。我绝对也是90后。

I was born right at the end of 1996, and my birthday is just a little bit after the election this year, actually.


So, I very much feel like I'm either the last of the millennials some days or I am this geriatric gen Z'er and, you know, not sure where to put myself most days, but...


But zillennial is a good category, I think. I feel comfortable there.

但我认为,“90后” 是一个合适的范畴。划分到这个范畴很舒服。

So, the reason that you guys are here is because you all have been covering politics in this midterm cycle but also focusing on, in some ways, gen Z'ers, who is this age group from people who are born, I guess, between 1997 and 2012.


And that's been a big area of focus in this midterm election cycle.


So talk a little bit more about why it's important to pay attention to gen Z'ers.


I mean, I feel like they are not the group that I would assume is the group that's going to make or break this election.


For sure. I think there are a lot of issues that are really impacting Gen Z, and because this year is the first year that gen Z can run for federal positions,


it's really exciting because all of the issues that gen Z has been talking about, of climate change and gun control,


this is the first year they can really step up and take action on issues that are important to them.

