环球慢速英语 吉安娜·耶森(1)(在线收听

Gianna Jessen


Voice 1: Hello. I'm Mike Procter.


Voice 2: And I'm Elizabeth Lickiss. Welcome to Spotlight. This programme uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.


Voice 1: Gianna Jessen ran towards the finish line. She was struggling. Every part of her body hurt. But she was not going to give up. Her friend ran alongside her. He encouraged her to keep going. They had been running for over eight hours. At last they both reached the end. They ran past the finish line. Gianna had completed the race.


Voice 2: Gianna was running in the London marathon. The marathon is a long race - forty-two point one nine five kilometres. When Gianna reached the finish line many people cheered. But Gianna was not the winner of the race. Hundreds of people had finished before her. So why was Gianna so special?

