环球慢速英语 吉安娜·耶森(2)(在线收听

Voice 1: Gianna suffers from the condition called cerebral palsy. She finds it hard to control her body movements. This is because parts of Gianna's brain are damaged. She was starved of oxygen when she was born. When she was young doctors said that she would not be able to sit, stand or walk. No one expected Gianna to be able to run a marathon. But Gianna had her own very special reason for running the marathon. She says,


Voice 3: "I have learned that weakness can be beautiful. People are often afraid to be weak. Yet a person can have joy in the middle of struggle. I hope that people will see you do not have to be weighed down by problems. God can help. He has helped me in so many ways. He will help me through the marathon. I will run for him and I will never give up."

