巴斯克威尔的猎犬 三条断了的线索(7)(在线收听


"That's so," said Baskerville. "By the way, Dr. Mortimer, who is this Barrymore, anyhow?"“这样很好, ” 巴斯克维尔说道,“可是, 摩梯末医生, 这个白瑞摩究竟是个怎么样的人呢? ”

"He is the son of the old caretaker, who is dead. They have looked after the Hall for fourgenerations now. So far as I know, he and his wife are as respectable a couple as any in thecounty."

“他是已故老管家的儿子, 他们负责照看这所庄园至今已有四辈了, 据我所知, 他和他的妻子在乡 间是很受人尊敬的一对夫妇呢。”

"At the same time," said Baskerville, "it's clear enough that so long as there are none of thefamily at the Hall these people have a mighty fine home and nothing to do."“同时, ” 巴斯克维尔说道,“事情很清楚, 只要没有我们家的人住在庄园里, 这些人可就太舒服了, 简直无事可作。”

"That is true."


"Did Barrymore profit at all by Sir Charles's will?" asked Holmes.

“白瑞摩从查尔兹爵士的遗嘱里究竟得到些好处没有? ” 福尔摩斯问道。

"He and his wife had five hundred pounds each."“他和他的妻子每人得到了五百镑。”

"Ha! Did they know that they would receive this?"“啊! 他们以前是否知道将来要拿到这笔钱呢? ”

"Yes; Sir Charles was very fond of talking about the provisions of his wlll."“知道, 查尔兹爵士是很喜欢谈论他那遗嘱的内容的。”

"That is very interesting."


"I hope," said Dr. Mortimer, "that you do not look with suspicious eyes upon everyone whoreceived a legacy from Sir Charles, for I also had a thousand pounds left to me."“我希望, ” 摩梯末医生说道,“您不要对每一个从查尔兹爵士的遗嘱里得到好处的人都投以怀疑的眼光吧, 他也留给了我一千镑呢。”

"Indeed! And anyone else?"

“真的吗? 还有谁得到了呢? ”

"There were many insignificant sums to individuals, and a large number of public charities.

The residue all went to Sir Henry."

“还有很多分给一些人的小笔款项和大批捐给公共慈善事业的钱。 余产完全归亨利爵士。 ”

"And how much was the residue?"

“余产有多少呢? ”

"Seven hundred and forty thousand pounds."


Holmes raised his eyebrows in surprise. "I had no idea that so gigantic a sum was involved,"said he.

福尔摩斯惊奇地扬起了眉毛说: “我真没有想到竟有这样大的数目 。”
