巴斯克威尔的猎犬 三条断了的线索(10)(在线收听


The proposition took me completely by surprise, but before I had time to answer, Baskervilleseized me by the hand and wrung it heartily.

这个意外的建议, 使我完全不知如何是好了。 我还没来得及回答, 巴斯克维尔就抓住了我的手, 热情地摇了 起来。

"Well, now, that is real kind of you, Dr. Watson," said he. "You see how it is with me, andyou know just as much about the matter as I do. If you will come down to Baskerville Hall and seeme through I'll never forget it."

“啊, 华生医生, 您的厚意我真是感谢之至, ” 他说,“您了解我所处的境地, 对于这件事, 您知道得和我一样多; 如果您能到巴斯克维尔庄园去陪我, 我将永远铭记在心。”

The promise of adventure had always a fascination for me, and I was complimented by thewords of Holmes and by the eagerness with which the baronet hailed me as a companion.

即将投入的冒险, 对我是永远具有吸引力的, 何况我还受到了福尔摩斯的恭维和准男爵把我当作伙伴看待的真挚之情的感动呢。

"I will come, with pleasure," said I. "I do not know how I could employ my time better."“一定, 我很愿意去, ” 我说道,“这样使用我的时间是非常值得的。”

"And you will report very carefully to me," said Holmes. "When a crisis comes, as it will do,I will direct how you shall act. I suppose that by Saturday all might be ready?"“你得很细心地向我报告, ” 福尔摩斯说道,“当危机到来的时候——危机总是会来临的——我将指示你如何行动。 我想星期六就可以准备好动身了吧? ”

"Would that suit Dr. Watson?"

“这样对华生医生方便吗? ”



"Then on Saturday, unless you hear to the contrary, we shall meet at the ten-thirty train fromPaddington."

“那么, 除非我另有通知, 否则星期六咱们就在车站会面, 坐由帕丁顿开来的十点三十分的那趟车。”
