巴斯克威尔的猎犬 三条断了的线索(12)(在线收听


Just before dinner two telegrams were handed in. The first ran:

刚要吃晚饭就送来了 两封电报, 第一封是:

Have just heard that Barrymore is at the Hall.

顷悉, 白瑞摩确在庄园



The second:


Visited twenty-three hotels as directed, but sorry, to report unable to trace cut sheet of Times.

依指示曾去二十三家旅馆, 未寻得被剪破之《泰晤士报》。 歉甚。



"There go two of my threads, Watson. There is nothing more stimulating than a case whereeverything goes against you. We must cast round for another scent."“我的两条线索算是都完了, 华生。 再没有比事事不顺的案子更恼人的了。 咱们必须转换方向另找线索。”

"We have still the cabman who drove the spy."“咱们总还可以找到给那盯梢人赶车的马夫啊。”

"Exactly. I haw wired to get his name and address from the Official Registry. I should not besurprised if this were an answer to my question."“确实。我已发了电报要求执照管理科查清他的姓名和地址——如果这来的就是对于我的问题的答案的话, 我也不会感到惊奇的。”

The ring at the bell proved to be something even more satisfactory than an answer, however,for the door opened and a rough-looking fellow entered who was evidently the man himself.

事实证明, 门铃声带来的结果较我们希望的答案更加使人满意。 因为门一开就进来了一个举止粗鲁的家伙, 显然他正是我们所要找的那个人。

"I got a message from the head office that a gent at this address had been inquiring for No.

2704," said he. "I've driven my cab this seven years and never a word of complaint. I came herestraight from the Yard to ask you to your face what you had against me."“我接到总局的通知, 说这里有一位绅士要找No .2 7 0 4 车的车夫!” 他说道, “我赶马车已经赶了七年了, 从来没有听过乘客说一句不满意的话; 我直接从车场到这里来了,我要当面问清, 您对我有什么不满意之处。”

"I have nothing in the world against you, my good man," said Holmes. "On the contrary, Ihave half a sovereign for you if you will give me a clear answer to my questions."“老弟, 我对你没有丝毫不满, ” 福尔摩斯说,“相反的, 如果你能清清楚楚地回答我的问题, 我就给你半个金镑。”

"Well, I've had a good day and no mistake," said the cabman with a grin. "What was it youwanted to ask, sir?"

车夫听了咧开嘴笑着说: “啊, 我今天可真赶上好日子啦。 先生, 您要问我什么呢? ”
