巴斯克威尔的猎犬 巴斯克维尔庄园(5)(在线收听


"I was a boy in my teens at the time of my father's death and had never seen the Hall, for helived in a little cottage on the South Coast. Thence I went straight to a friend in America. I tell youit is all as new to me as it is to Dr. Watson, and I'm as keen as possible to see the moor."“我父亲死的时候, 我还是个十几岁的孩子, 那时他住在南面海边的一所小房子里, 所以我从来还没有看到过这所庄园。 我父亲死后, 我就直接到美洲的一个朋友那儿去了。 我跟您说, 对于这庄园, 我和华生医生是同样地感到新鲜的, 我是非常渴望要看一看沼地的。”

"Are you? Then your wish is easily granted, for there is your first sight of the moor," said Dr.

Mortimer, pointing out of the carriage window.

“是吗? 那样的话, 您的愿望很容易就能实现了, 因为您就要看到沼地了。” 摩梯末医生一面说着一面向车窗外边指着。

Over the green squares of the fields and the low curve of a wood there rose in the distance agray, melancholy hill, with a strange jagged summit, dim and vague in the distance, like somefantastic landscape in a dream. Baskerville sat for a long time his eyes fixed upon it, and I readupon his eager face how much it meant to him, this first sight of that strange spot where the menof his blood had held sway so long and left their mark so deep. There he sat, with his tweed suitand his American accent, in the corner of a prosaic railway-carriage, and yet as I looked at his darkand expressive face I felt more than ever how true a descendant he was of that long line ofhigh-blooded, fiery, and masterful men. There were pride, valour, and strength in his thick brows,his sensitive nostrils, and his large hazel eyes. If on that forbidding moor a difficult and dangerousquest should lie before us, this was at least a comrade for whom one might venture to take a riskwith the certainty that he would bravely share it.

在那被切割成无数绿色方格的田野和顶端连成低矮的曲线的树林那面, 远远地升起了一座灰暗苍郁的小山, 山顶上有形状奇特、 参差不齐的缺口, 远远望去晦暗朦胧, 宛如梦幻中的景色一般。 巴斯克维尔静坐了好久, 两眼盯住那里。 我从他那热切的面部表情里看得出来,这地方对他关系多么重大啊, 第一次看到那怪异的、 被同族人掌管了那么久的、 处处都能引起人们对他们深深回忆的地方。 他穿着苏格兰呢的服装, 说话时带着美洲口音, 坐在一节普普通通的火车车厢的角落里, 可是每当我看到他那黝黑而富于表情的面孔的时候, 我就愈加感觉到他真真是那支高贵、 热情的家族的后裔, 而且具有一家之主的风度。 在他那浓浓的眉毛、 神经质的鼻孔和栗色的大眼睛里显示着自尊、 豪迈和力量。 如果在那恐怖的沼地里, 果真出现了什么困难和危险的事, 他至少是个确实可靠的、 会勇敢地担当起责任来的同志。
