巴斯克威尔的猎犬 巴斯克维尔庄园(7)(在线收听


"Halloa!" cried Dr. Mortimer, "what is this?"“啊!” 摩梯末医生叫了起来。“那是什么? ”

A steep curve of heath-clad land, an outlying spur of the moor, lay in front of us. On thesummit, hard and clear like an equestrian statue upon its pedestal, was a mounted soldier, dark andstern, his rifle poised ready over his forearm. He was watching the road along which we travelled.

前面出现了满复着石南一类常青灌木的陡斜的坡地, 这是突出在沼地边缘的一处地方。

在那最高的地方, 有一个骑在马上的士兵, 清清楚楚的, 就象是装在碑座上的骑士雕像似的,黝黑而严峻, 马枪作预备放射的姿势搭在伸向前方的左臂上。 他在监视着我们所走的这条道路。

"What is this, Perkins?" asked Dr. Mortimer.

“那是干什么的啊, 波金斯? ” 摩梯末医生问道。

Our driver half turned in his seat. "There's a convict escaped from Princetown, sir. He's beenout three days now, and the warders watch every road and every station, but they've had no sightof him yet. The farmers about here don't like it, sir, and that's a fact."车夫在座位上扭转身来说道: “王子镇逃走了 一个犯人, 先生, 到现在为止, 他已经逃出来三天了, 狱卒们正监视着每一条道路和每个车站, 可是至今还没有找到他的踪迹呢。 附近的农户们很感不安, 老爷, 这倒是真的。”

"Well, I understand that they get five pounds if they can give information."“啊, 我知道, 如果谁能去通风报信的话, 就能拿到五镑的赏金呢。”

"Yes, sir, but the chance of five pounds is but a poor thing compared to the chance of havingyour throat cut. You see, it isn't like any ordinary convict. This is a man that would stick atnothing."

“是啊, 老爷, 可是如果和可能会被人割断喉管相比起来, 这种可能拿到的五镑钱, 就显得太可怜了。 您要知道, 这可不是个普普通通的罪犯啊。 他是个肆无忌惮的人。”

"Who is he, then?"

“那么, 他究竟是谁呀? ”

"It is Selden, the Notting Hill murderer."

“他叫塞尔丹, 就是那个在瑙亭山杀人的凶手。”
