巴斯克威尔的猎犬 巴斯克维尔庄园(9)(在线收听


Its master had risen and was staring with flushed cheeks and shining eyes. A few minuteslater we had reached the lodgegates, a maze of fantastic tracery in wrought iron, withweather-bitten pillars on either side, blotched with lichens, and summounted by the boars' heads ofthe Baskervilles. The lodge was a ruin of black granite and bared ribs of rafters, but facing it was anew building, half constructed, the first fruit of Sir Charles's South African gold.

庄园的主人站了起来, 双颊泛红, 目光炯炯地望着, 几分钟后, 我们就到了 寓所门口。

大门是用稠密的、 曲折交织成奇妙花样的铁条组成的, 两侧各有一根久经风雨侵蚀的柱子,由于长了苔藓而显得肮脏了 , 柱顶装有石刻的巴斯克维尔家的野猪头。 门房已经成了一堆坍塌的黑色花岗石, 并露出了一根根光秃的椽木。 可是它的对面却是一座新的建筑, 刚建成了一半, 是查尔兹爵士首次用由南非赚来的黄金兴建的。

Through the gateway we passed into the avenue, where the wheels were again hushed amidthe leaves, and the old trees shot their branches in a sombre tunnel.over our heads. Baskervilleshuddered as he looked up the long, dark drive to where the house glimmered like a ghost at thefarther end.

一进大门就走上了小道。 这时, 车轮因走在枯叶上而沉静了下来, 老树的枝丫 在我们的头顶上交织成一条阴暗的拱道。 穿过长而阴暗的车道, 看到了末端有一所房屋象幽灵似地在发着亮光, 巴斯克维尔不由得战栗了一下。

"Was it here?" he asked in a low voice.

“就是在这里发生的吗? ” 他低声地问道。

"No, no, the yew alley is on the other side."“不, 不是, 水松夹道在那一边。”

The young heir glanced round with a gloomy face.


"It's no wonder my uncle felt as if trouble were coming on him in such a place as this," saidhe. "It's enough to scare any man. I'll have a row of electric lamps up here inside of six months,and you won't know it again, with a thousand candle-power Swan and Edison right here in front ofthe hall door."

“在这样的地方, 难怪我伯父会总觉得要大难临头了, ”他说道,“足以让任何人恐惧呢。

我决定在六个月内在厅前装上一行一千支光的天鹅牌和爱迪生牌的灯泡, 到那时您就要再也认不得这个地方了。
