巴斯克威尔的猎犬 巴斯克维尔庄园(12)(在线收听


"It's just as I imagined it," said Sir Henry. "Is it not the very picture of an old family home?

To think that this should be the same hall in which for five hundred years my people have lived. Itstrikes me solemn to think of it."

“正如我所想象的那样, ” 亨利爵士说道,“难道这不恰恰是一个古老的家庭应有的景象吗? 这就是我家的人们住了五百年的大厅, 一想到这些就使我感到沉重。”

I saw his dark face lit up with a boyish enthusiasm as he gazed about him. The light beatupon him where he stood, but long shadows trailed down the walls and hung like a black canopyabove him. Barrymore had returned from taking our luggage to our rooms. He stood in front of usnow with the subdued manner of a well-trained servant. He was a remarkable-looking man, tall,handsome, with a square black beard and pale, distinguished features.

当他向四周环顾的时候, 我看得出来, 在他那黝黑的面孔上燃起了孩童般的热情。 在他站立的地方虽有灯光照射, 可是墙上长长的投影和黑黝黝的天花板就象在他的头顶上张开了一座天棚似的。 白瑞摩把行李送进我们的居室以后又回来了。 他以受过良好训练的仆役所特有的服从的态度, 站在我们的面前。 他是个仪表非凡的人, 高高的身材, 相貌漂亮, 剪得方方正正的黑胡须, 有一副白皙而出色的面貌。

"Would you wish dinner to be served at once, sir?"“爵爷, 您愿意马上吃晚饭吗? ”

"Is it ready?"

“已经准备好了吗? ”

"In a very few minutes, sir. You will find hot water in your rooms. My wife and I will behappy, Sir Henry, to stay with you until you have made your fresh arrangements, but you willunderstand that under the new conditions this house will require a considerable staff."“几分钟之内就能准备好, 爵爷。 你们的屋里已经预备了热水, 亨利爵士, 在您作出新的安排以前, 我的妻子和我很愿意和您呆在一起, 可是您得了解, 在这种新的情况下, 这所房子里就需要相当多的佣人。”

"What new conditions?"

“什么新的情况? ”

"I only meant, sir, that Sir Charles led a very retired life, and we were able to look after hiswants. You would, naturally, wish to have more company, and so you will need changes in yourhousehold."

“爵爷, 我不过是说, 查尔兹爵爷过的是非常隐遁的生活, 因此我们还可以照顾得了他的需要, 而您呢, 当然希望有更多的人和您同居一起, 因此您必然会需要将家事情况加以改变。 ”

"Do you mean that your wife and you wish to leave?"“你是说, 你和你的妻子想要辞职吗? ”

"Only when it is quite convenient to you, sir."“爵爷, 这当然要在对您很方便的时候才行。”

"But your family have been with us for several generations, have they not? I should be sorryto begin my life here by breaking an old family connection."“可是你们一家已经和我家的人同居了好几代了 , 不是吗? 如果我一开始在这里生活便断绝了这条由来已久的家庭联系, 那我真要感到遗憾了。”

I seemed to discern some signs of emotion upon the butler's white face.

