
Public debate over the environment once pitted people who believed in the reality of anthropogenic climate change against those who questioned it.


At least two of the current cabinet, including Boris Johnson, used to count themselves among the sceptical camp.


Today, with a firm majority of every demographic group in the UK in agreement with the fact that humans are warming the planet, and that this poses a serious danger, the battle lines have been redrawn.


The great underreported story is how normalised all this has become.


Those who want to see action on climate change, in many ways, have won the argument, says James Murray, editor of the website BusinessGreen and a leading environmental commentator.


That is now the consensus view: it has the nominal support of every government and science academy on the planet, and crucially its where the money is.


With outright climate science denial relegated to the fringes, opponents of urgent action on climate emergency have been forced to switch tack.


Alongside pro forma acknowledgments that climate breakdown is happening and vague commitments to a greener future (Of course I want to leave this planet in a better place than I found it, we all want that, Mackinlay told the BBC recently),


the inactivists a loose coalition of fossil-fuel interests, conservative ideologues and supportive politicians and journalists seek to redirect responsibility for the problem away from the fossil fuel industry and towards individual consumers, as well as developing nations in the global south.


When solutions to the climate crisis are proposed by inactivists, they tend to be timid and unambitious, with faith in future (as yet unrealised) green technologies held up as a reason to shy away from serious structural changes now.


But there is now an even more powerful weapon in the inactivist armoury.


It comes in the form of an appeal to social justice: one that casts environmentalists as an aloof, out-of-touch establishment, and the inactivists as insurgents, defending the values and livelihoods of ordinary people.


The biggest single threat to the net zero transition is a culture war-style backlash that heavily politicises this agenda and spooks governments into moving more slowly, says Murray. At present, its on the periphery.


But as the past few years have taught us, ideas that were on the periphery can become very influential, very quickly.


Attempts to mobilise anti-elite sentiments against climate activists are nothing new.


Wealthy celebrities who lecture others on environmental sustainability have always been charged with inauthenticity.

