英国卫报:垃圾食品盛行 我们如何吃得更健康?(3)(在线收听

The almost 700 obesity policies fell under the banner of 14 separate obesity strategies.


It is poignant to read the titles of these largely failed and forgotten strategies, which share an air of wishful purpose.


Under John Major in 1992, there was Health of the Nation.

1992年,在约翰-梅杰的领导下,出现了 "国家健康"的概念。

Next, under Tony Blair in 1999, came Saving Lives.


Also under Labour came Choosing Health (2004), Choosing a Better Diet (2005) and Choosing Activity (2004, 2005 and 2005) and Healthy Weight, Healthy Lives (2008).


The Coalition government produced Healthy Lives, Healthy People and A call to action on obesity in England (2011).


Most recently, under the Conservatives there have been three instalments of Childhood Obesity: A Plan for Action and then, in 2020, Tackling Obesity.


Notice how the words choosing and action keep reappearing in these strategies.


Given that poorer UK households would have to spend nearly 40% of their income to buy food for a healthy diet, according to recent data from the Food Foundation, to frame healthy eating as simply a matter of choosing is dishonest.


It's not choice if you can't afford it.


Decades of research show that obesity is determined to a large extent by environmental factors such as socioeconomic inequality, the rise of ultra-processed food and the way that cities are built to facilitate car use.


But policymakers of England have stayed wedded to the idea that weight is all about personal responsibility: just eat less and move more.


The failures of obesity policy in England and the UK are part of a larger problem with food policy in general.


As well as being a source of joy and nourishment, food is Britains biggest employer, accounting for 4.1m jobs (most of them low-paid).


At the same time, poor diet is the countrys biggest cause of preventable disease and the food supply is also one of its biggest drivers of climate breakdown (10% of our greenhouse gas emissions come from agriculture).


And yet for decades, a food policy to address any of this has seemed to be missing in action.


Fewer than a quarter of the policies analysed by Theis and White (24%) included any plan for monitoring their progress.


Nearly a third (29%) of the policies did not include any timeframe, any evidence or any position on who or what is responsible for driving the rise in obesity.


It isn't just that food policies in England have long been ill-suited to improving our diets.


It is that very few people, inside or outside government, seems to have the slightest idea what these policies actually are.

