纪录片《美国商业大亨传奇》 掌控全局(22)(在线收听

After inheriting and expanding his father's banking empire J.P. Morgan is now among the most powerful man in the nation.

在继承并扩展了他父亲的银行帝国之后 J·P·摩根成了又一位全国最有权势的人

His influence over the country is matched by only two other men.


Andrew Carnegie and John D Rockefeller have been rivals for decades and that competition has driven both men to incredible heights.

也就是安德鲁·卡内基与约翰·D·洛克菲勒 他们两人是几十年的老对手了 这种竞争也将两人推到了令人难以置信的高度

At the peak of their power, J.P. Morgan,John Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie are worth the modern equivalent of over $one trillion dollars combined.

在他们的权力鼎盛时期 J·P·摩根 约翰·洛克菲勒和安德鲁·卡内基 三人财富价值的总和相当于现代的一万亿美元以上

More than the entire net worth of the 40 richest people alive today.


The wealth, then, was like royalty.


It was just a different thing.


They literally controlled the country.


When you're talking about a guy like Rockefeller,who was literally 1% of the economy,it's stunning to think about that.

洛克菲勒他一个人就整整占了国民经济的1% 想起来都不可思议

It is almost incomprehensible.


But while Carnegie,Rockefeller and Morgan continue to get richer,others are struggling to get by.

虽然卡内基 洛克菲勒和摩根越来越富有 别人却在挣扎度日

The gap between the rich and the poor is as big as it's ever been.


Over 19% of Americans survive on less than 100$ dollars per month, while the average worker earns barely a dollar a day-- well below the poverty line.

超过19%的美国人生活开销少于100美元每月 普通工人每天的收入不到一美元 远远低于贫困线

Working conditions in factories across the country are almost unbearable.


In a single year, one out of every eleven steel workers will die while on the job.

一年里 每十一个钢铁工人中就有一个会在工作时死掉

As the country approaches the 1896 Presidential election, America's poor are desperate and without hope.

在一八九六年总统大选前期 美国的穷人看不到希望
