纪录片《美国商业大亨传奇》 掌控全局(44)(在线收听

Roosevelt insisted that the big capitalists recognize that they were mere capitalists.


And that the elected officials of the country, were the ones that the people had chosen.


Nobody elected J.P. Morgan to anything.


Nobody elected John D. Rockefeller to anything.


But the people had, well, indirectly elected Theodore Roosevelt President and he was going to make the most of it.

但是人们 至少是间接地选举 西奥多·罗斯福为总统 他会充分利用这一点

Roosevelt quickly launches a campaign against the nation's largest trusts and his first target is a railroad conglomerate owned by J.P. Morgan.

罗斯福迅速发起了一场针对全国最大的那些托拉斯的运动 第一个目标就是J·P·摩根拥有的铁路企业集团

Morgan demanded to see the President. So he stormed down from New York to Washington, went into the White House. And he said, I don't understand, he said, if we got a problem, send your man to my man and they'll fix it up.

摩根要求会见总统 他从纽约冲到华盛顿 走进白宫 说 我不明白 有什么问题的话 你派个人 我派个人 他们解决了就好了

And Roosevelt said, "This is exactly the problem with Morgan. He acts as though I'm just a rival boss or something."

罗斯福说"这正是摩根的问题所在 他以为我只是他的一个商业对手什么的"

And Morgan, who thought that he could manipulate Roosevelt, discovered that Roosevelt could not be manipulated at all.

而摩根原以为能够操纵罗斯福 发现他根本不受摆布

Roosevelt refuses to back down from Morgan.


He sues his company in Federal court.


The first Government anti-trust case filed against a major corporation.

