纪录片《美国商业大亨传奇》 掌控全局(50)(在线收听

ALAM was successful in blackmailing other automobile companies saying, "you have to be licensed by us or we will sue you. And we own this patent."

ALAM成功地勒索了其他汽车公司 说 你必须得到我们的授权 否则我们会告你 专利为我们所持有

After months of deliberation the ALAM board reaches its decision.


Henry Ford's application is rejected.


It's a crushing blow.


The auto cartel has stopped him in his tracks.


But Henry Ford is determined to show the world that to succeed in America all you need is integrity and ingenuity.

但是 亨利·福特铁了心要告诉世界 在美国取得成功你只要有诚信以及才智就行了

The next generation of businessmen is on the rise.


Henry Ford is battling a powerful cartel for the right to make a car he believes in.

亨利·福特在与一个强大的卡特尔做斗争 争取他所看好的一种汽车的生产权

The Association of Licensed Automobiles manufacturers owns the patent on the automobile and budding car makers like Henry Ford need its permission to sell cars.

授权汽车制造商协会拥有汽车专利 新进的汽车制造商比如亨利·福特需要获得它的允许才能出售汽车

After being rejected by ALAM, Ford is left with few options but he isn't about to give up on his dreams.

被ALAM拒绝后 福特没有多少退路 但他并不打算放弃梦想
