纽约时报 政客能成为像体育明星一样的英雄吗?(2)(在线收听

I did not see Lillard's peroration live on TV but a day later, on Twitter, where it played in heavy rotation, accompanied by sentiments like "class act" and "no better role model."


I am a basketball fan and have followed Lillard since his college days; the first time I came across the clip, I also happened to be waiting for my daughter to finish soccer practice.


And yet despite being steeped in sports, both in my history and in that moment, they were the furthest thing from my mind as I watched.


Lillard's defense of discipline and hard work made me think about, of all things, politics.


Public performance and spectacle — rallies, speeches, news conferences — are as inherent to politics as they are to sports.


Our two major political parties even hold their national conventions in giant sports arenas. And in politics, just as in sports, a tremendous amount of behind-the-scenes work is involved in making the spectacle possible.


Before the senator's dramatic floor speech, the bill must be drafted; the convention pageantry is typically preceded by the monthslong slog of drawing up a party platform.


The public performance of politics is secondary to — and at the service of — the behind-the-scenes work, because the behind-the-scenes work is, in effect, the actual operation of government.

