美联社新闻一分钟 AP News 2008-03-02(在线收听

1. President Bush is declining the promise that more U.S. troops will return home from Iraq before he leaves office in eleven months. He says any decision about troop cuts beyond those planned through July will be based on the recommendations from the generals.


2. Israeli soldiers and Palestinian militants continue to clash in the Gaza Strip. Dozens of Palestinians have been killed in the fighting and at least 2 Israeli soldiers are dead. The violence began with Palestinian fighters firing rockets and mortars, while Israeli troops moved in backed up by tanks and attack aircraft.

3. It turns out this New York cabbie may not be a hero after all. Yesterday he was being praised for claiming a baby he says a passenger left in his car. Now he is under arrest for allegedly helping abandon the child.


4. Prince Harry is back on familiar turf. He arrived in the UK this morning after serving 10 weeks in the front lines in Afghanistan. His deployment there was cut short after a media report detailed his service.

