美联社新闻一分钟 AP News 2008-03-04(在线收听

1. A gunman dressed in a suit and tie burst into this Florida Wendy’s restaurant at lunchtime, killing one person and himself. Officials say at least five others were injured. Witnesses say motorists at the drive-thru window fled the scene, some even leaving their cars running.

2. Flames ripped through three multimillion-dollar model homes in this Seattle suburb. Authorities later found a sign left by eco-terrorists, mocking claims that the homes were environmentally friendly. The signs bore the initials of the radical environmental group Earth Liberation Front.

3. Defense officials say the U.S. Navy fired at least one missile at a ''known Al-Qaeda terrorist'' in southern Somalia. Local police say at least eight people including four children were seriously injured when their home was destroyed.

4. Spokane health and animal control officials have quarantined a pet monkey. The fifteen-pound animal bit three people after escaping from its owner’s home. Health officials are investigating whether the three were exposed to any diseases from the bites.
