纪录片《大英博物馆世界简史》 009玛雅玉米神像(3)(在线收听

The elite from ancient societies focussed upon corn as having sacred kinds of properties which they then associated with themselves.


And this is pretty obvious in the young maize god-the sculpture was apparently a manifestation of mythological beings resulting from the third Maya creation.


There were eight mythological beings, four women and four men, who are the ancestors of all the Maya people.


The Maya believed that their ancestors essentially came from corn, and they were formed of yellow and white maize dough.


Maize was certainly a primary focus of ritual and religious veneration by ancient Meso-American people,


going back all the way before the Maya and even into the Olmec civilisation.'


So our maize god is not just a hauntingly beautiful statue, he gives us a real insight into the way ancient American society thought about itself and its environment.


The maize god represents both the fact of the agricultural cycle of planting, harvesting and replanting,


and the faith in a parallel human cycle of birth, death and rebirth,but more, he is the very stuff of which the Central Americans are made.


Where the Hebrew god made Adam out of dust, the Mayan gods used maize to make their humans.


The mythical story is told in the most famous epic in the whole of the Americas, the Popol Vuh.


For generations, this was passed on through oral traditions before finally being written down in the seventeenth century. Here's a taste of it:


'And here is the beginning of the conception of humans and of the search for the ingredients of the human body...


So they spoke; the bearer, begetter, the makers, modellers-and a sovereign plumed serpent-they sought and discovered what was needed for human flesh.


It was only a short while before the sun, moon and stars were to appear above the makers and modellers.


Split place, bitter water place, is the name, the yellow corn, white corn, came from there.


And this was when they found the staple foods, and then the yellow corn and white corn were ground.


After that they put into words the making, the modelling of our first mother-father, with yellow corn, white corn alone for the flesh,


food alone for the human legs and arms for our first fathers, the four human works.


But why did maize become the favoured food and the revered grain of the Americas? Why not wheat or a certain type of meat?

