美国国家公共电台 NPR--Which came first: dinosaurs or octopuses? The answer might surprise you(在线收听

Which came first: dinosaurs or octopuses? The answer might surprise you


Scientists in Montana recently found a fossil of an early ancestor of modern octopuses. It lived about 330 million years ago — before the age of dinosaurs.


Good morning. I'm Leila Fadel. Here's a question for you - which came first, the dinosaur or the octopus? Dinosaur seems like the obvious answer, right? But in Montana, scientists recently found a fossil that suggests otherwise. It's of an early ancestor of modern octopuses and lived about 330 million years ago before the age of dinosaurs. Researchers believe it had a sack filled with a dark liquid just like the ones today but also had 10 arms - really ink-redible (ph) stuff. It's MORNING EDITION.
