纪录片《大英博物馆世界简史》 062希伯来星盘(1)(在线收听


062:EPISODE 62 - Hebrew Astrolabe 希伯来星盘

Hebrew astrolabe (made fourteenth century), probably from Spain

I've got the whole world in my hands - in fact, not just the world, but the cosmos. What I'm holding is a portable model of the heavens, in the shape of an exquisite, circular brass instrument that looks a bit like a large brass pocket watch, and it's called an astrolabe. With an astrolabe in my hands, I can tell the time, do a bit of surveying, work out my position in the world by sun or stars and, if that's not enough, I can also devise my horoscope.

Although perfectly familiar to the ancient Greeks, this was an instrument that was particularly important for the Islamic world, as it allowed the faithful to find the direction of Mecca, and so it's not surprising that the oldest astrolabe to survive is an Islamic one from the tenth century. But the astrolabe I'm holding is, in fact, a Jewish one. It was made about 750 years ago, in Spain. It's inscribed in Hebrew lettering, but it contains Arabic and Spanish words, and it combines both Islamic and European decorative elements. It is not just an advanced scientific instrument, but it's also an emblem of a very particular moment in Europe's religious and political history.

"There's a Spanish word that's often used to describe the relationship between the different religions and ethnic communities, which is 'convivencia', living together." (John Elliott)

"The astrolabe is much more than just a scientific instrument, it's also a symbol of knowledge. It symbolises that one understands what's going on in the heavens - one literally holds the latest knowledge in one's hands. So it has so many functions, it really is like a medieval type of Blackberry." (Silke Ackermann)





