
Bus Tickets 公共汽车票

  A: Where do I buy my bus ticket?

  A: 我在哪里买公共汽车票?

  B: You buy it in the bus.

  B: 你在公共汽车上买的。

  A: Isn't there a station?

  A: 没有车站吗?

  B: Yes, but that's not where you buy tickets.

  B: 是的,但那不是你买票的地方。

  A: Does the bus driver give me my ticket?

  A: 公共汽车司机给我票了吗?

  B: The bus driver has a machine that does.

  B: 公共汽车司机有一台机器可以。

  A: Do I buy a new ticket every time I ride the bus?

  A: 我每次乘车都要买一张新票吗?

  B: Yes, but if you plan to ride several buses, buy a day pass.

  B: 是的,但如果你打算乘几辆公共汽车,就买一张日票。

  A: Why should I buy a day pass?

  A: 我为什么要买通票?

  B: It would be cheaper than buying several tickets.

  B: 这会比买几张票便宜。

  A: So I just wait for the bus to get here?

  A: 所以我就等着公交车到这里?

  B: Yes, and make sure you have change.

  B: 是的,确保你有零钱。
