
  You have shared with us the wonders of your quaint, simple little island. Drop the banner, Ross! Now we would love to humbly share some of the wonders of our world.

  你们已经向我们展示了 这座古朴的小岛屿的魅力 放下横幅 罗斯 现在请允许我们斗胆向你们展示一下我们的魅力

  Yeah. Humble, my bird butt. Language.

  对 斗你妹的狗屁胆 注意文明用语

  A hundred years from now, everyone will ask, "How did the friendship between the pigs and the birds start?" Who cares? Oh, no. Well, let them say we lit up the night!

  一百年之后 许多人会问 猪猪和小鸟之间的友谊 究竟是如何产生的? 谁会问? 不 我这么说吧 超级野人够吗?

  Holy moly!


  Hey, look, they destroyed more of the stuff we worked hard to build. But there's more! More?

  我们的心血之作又被他们毁了 这还远远不够 好有?

  Has gravity gone haywire? No! Even better! Your friends, the pigs, proudly give you the trampoline! Those are my assistants, Oinky... Hello. ...and Jon Ham!

  是重力失控了吗? 不 比那更棒 你们的猪猪朋友即将倾情献上弹跳床 这是我的两位助手 哼唧 你们好 和培根

  Hold on a second. I thought there was only supposed to be two of these guys.

  嘿 等等 我说等一下 我以为他们就来了两只猪

  Squad goals! Look at those jiggly pigglies! But that's not all. Throwing things just got a whole lot easier. Say hello to the slingshot!

  奇迹就在眼前 瞧瞧这些空中飞猪吧 这还不算完 还要让投掷变得更顺手 为大家介绍超级弹弓
