
  Does Mighty Eagle still live?


  Did he ever live? And if he did live, where would he live?

  他真的存在过吗? 如果他真的存在 他会住在哪呢?

  By the Lake of Wisdom in the Ancient Tree.


  That's a fairy tale. I've run all over this island. Where could that possibly be?

  那只是个传说 我跑遍了岛上每一个角落 到底哪有这样的地方?

  Way up high.It's a long way up that mountain, and if I'm being honest, well, I mean, you know, I could kind of use your help.

  在高山之上 到达山顶的路十分漫长 其实我想说的是 我可能需要你们两个的帮助

  What's that? What are you trying to say?

  你说什么? 能不能说得清楚点?

  Nothing. I was just saying that I, you know, I could use your help.

  没什么 我只是说 我可能需要你们的帮助

  I'm sorry, I couldn't quite hear you over your ego. Could you enunciate that last word a little bit?

  哦 不好意思 你的声音我听不清 最后那句话是什么? 你能说得清楚一点吗?

  I need your help!


  Why didn't you say so? Bomb?

  那你干嘛不早点说呢? 炸弹

  Let's do it!


  If there is a Mighty Eagle, well, how come we don't ever hear his battle cry?

  如果无敌神鹰真的存在的话 为什么我们从来没有听到他的叫声呢?

  I don't know.


  Maybe we have.


  What would a Mighty Eagle battle cry sound like?


  You know what? I think I got an idea.


  Maybe something like...


  No, I bet it's more like... That's theoretically what it's more like, scientifically.

  不 应该是这样的 从理论上来说这样的叫声更符合科学

  I got one.


  Not bad. It's a good impression.

  还不错 深入灵魂
