
  Hold on a second. That guy's the king? He's got to have the eggs with him in the castle.

  等一下 那个家伙是国王? 他一定是把那些蛋藏在他的城堡里了

  What the heck's a castle? And that's where we're going.

  城堡是什么鬼呀? 就是我们要去的地方

  Hey, guys, do you remember everything you learned in my class?

  同学们 还记得我在课堂上是怎么教你们的吗?

  Yep. Nope. What class?

  记得 不 什么课堂?

  Well, forget all of it for now. Now it's time to let loose.

  现在把那些都忘掉 是时候释放你们的愤怒了

  Good, because I never learned anything anyway.

  太好了 因为我从一开始就什么都没学

  Me, neither. I actuallyjust came to socialize.

  我也是 我是来扩大朋友圈的

  I came for the snacks. You don't happen to have any now, do you?

  我是为零食来的 你现在身上带零食了吗?

  Deep breath, deep breath, deep breath!


  How are we gonna get over those walls?


  I'll tell you how. We're gonna fly.Remember, the goal is the castle. Get to the castle.

  我有主意了 我们飞过去 记住 目标是那座城堡 向城堡猛冲过去

  Who wants to go first? Over here! I do! Me! Me! Me!

  谁想第一个上? 我来 让我来 我我我

  Hey! All right, Matilda.

  就你了 白姐姐

  Always a bridesmaid.


  Step right up, keep your wings, legs and feet inside the slingshot at all times. Shoot it! Okey okey. Fire!

  做好准备 全程请勿将翅膀 爪子 嘴巴伸出弹弓外 赶紧射 好的 发射

  And a one and a...


  Take that, porkers!Incoming!

  准备...受死吧 肥猪们 敌袭

  Boom, baby, boom!

  炸呀宝贝 炸呀

  Well, how about that? My teacher can shoot fireballs out of her butt.

  哇 高难度 我的老师居然能从屁股里射出火球

  You! What's your name? Hal? I've seen you do something strange before, right?

  你 长嘴绿 是吗? 我知道 你非常与众不同

  Well, let's see, I'm really good at...


  Doesn't matter. Launch him.

  无所谓了 发射吧

  This guy looks good.


  He's gonna make it!


  This is incredible. We're witnessing history right now.

  真是难以置信 我们要见证历史性的一刻

  Nope. He's coming back.He's coming, duck. Get down.

  不 等等 他回来了... 趴下... 蹲下

  Did we win? No.

  我们赢了吗? 还没有
