
  No, not quite yet, buddy. We're still tied. Hey, can we get an ice pack for Hal?

  没 还早着呢 兄弟 目前还是平手 嘿 谁能给他拿个冰袋来吗?

  Medic! All right, who's up next?

  医疗队 好了 下一个是谁?

  What can you do? Need a tissue?

  你能干什么? 要餐巾纸吗?

  Who's next? We need fliers, not standbyers! Let's go!

  下一个是谁 我们需要能飞的不要看戏的 你上

  You go out there and you show them how frightening mimes can be.Yeah.

  你飞过去 让他们见识见识穆雀的可怕之处 好

  Oh, my God!


  We're having a feast. We're eating the eggs Gonna have a big feast. We're gonna eat all the eggs. What?

  我们办盛宴 我们要吃蛋 举办大盛宴 吃掉所有蛋什么?

  What is that? Fire! That guy again.

  怎么回事? 发射 又是那个家伙

  Citizens of Pig Island, if you spot any birds destroying your neighborhood, please, capture them.

  猪猪岛的居民们 如果你们发现有任何鸟儿在破坏你们的社区 尽快抓住他们

  There's been a change of plans.We will eat the eggs for lunch.

  原定计划有变 今天中午 我们就把蛋吃掉

  Did he say, "Eat the eggs"?


  Okay, I want you to curl up into a little ball. All right? Make yourself aerodynamic.

  好了 我要把你的身体团成一个球 好吗? 减少受到的空气阻力

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