
Making a Withdrawal 提款

  A: I'd like to make a withdrawal.

  A: 我想取款。

  B: Will that be from your checking or savings account?

  B: 那是从你的支票账户还是储蓄账户?

  A: I don't have a savings account.

  A: 我没有储蓄账户。

  B: Then it will be from your checking account.

  B: 然后将从您的支票账户中取出。

  A: I'd like to take out $200.

  A: 我想拿出200美元。

  B: Do you have a withdrawal form?

  B: 你有取款单吗?

  A: Where can I get one of those?

  A: 我在哪里可以买到这些?

  B: They are located right behind you on the table.

  B: 它们就在你身后的桌子上。

  A: What do I need to write on the form?

  A: 我需要在表格上写什么?

  B: You need to write the name on the account, the account number, and how much you want to take out.

  B: 你需要在账户上写上名字、账号以及你想要取多少钱。

  A: Is that all?

  A: 就这些吗?

  B: I also need photo identification.

  B: 我还需要照片证明。
