
Transferring Money 转账

  A: I'd like to transfer some money.

  A: 我想转一些钱。

  B: Between what two accounts would you like to transfer the money?

  B: 你想在哪两个账户之间转账?

  A: I'd like to transfer $100 from my savings account to my checking account.

  A: 我想把100美元从我的储蓄账户转到我的支票账户。

  B: All right, you just need to fill out this slip of paper.

  B: 好吧,你只需要填写这张纸条。

  A: What information do I need to write down?

  A: 我需要写下什么信息?

  B: You need to write both account numbers and how much you are transferring.

  B: 你需要写下账号和转账金额。

  A: Is the money available immediately?

  A: 这笔钱是否立即可用?

  B: It is. Could you please show me identification?

  B: 是的。请出示身份证好吗?

  A: Is there a limit to how many transfers I can make?

  A: 我可以转账的次数有限制吗?

  B: You can make up to 25 free transfers in a year.

  B: 你一年最多可以免费转账25次。

  A: What happens if I want to make more?

  A: 如果我想做更多,会发生什么?

  B: There is a fee for making more transfers.

  B: 进行更多转账需要付费。
