
  Hopeless Husband Gift Exchange 丈夫的礼物

  A: That is a beautiful dress you are wearing.

  A: 你穿的衣服真漂亮。

  B: Thank you. It was a gift from my husband.

  B: 谢谢。这是我丈夫送的礼物。

  A: He has excellent taste.

  A: 他很有品味。

  B: It's because he knows exactly what I like.

  B: 因为他完全知道我喜欢什么。

  A: I wish my husband had your husband's taste in fashion.

  A: 我希望我丈夫有你丈夫的时尚品味。

  B: Doesn't he know what you like?

  B: 他不知道你喜欢什么吗?

  A: Hardly. He bought me an ugly sweater for Christmas.

  A: 几乎没有。他给我买了一件难看的毛衣作为圣诞节礼物。

  B: Did you return it?

  B: 你还了吗?

  A: No, I entered it in the gift exchange at work.

  A: 不,我是在工作时的礼品交换中输入的。

  B: What did you get in return?

  B: 你得到了什么回报?

  A: A department store gift card.

  A: 百货公司礼品卡。

  B: Just make sure you use it for shopping, and not for your husband!

  B: 确保你用它购物,而不是给你的丈夫!
