


  A: Do you think wolves are like dogs?

  A: 你认为狼像狗吗?

  B: No way! Wolves are vicious.

  B: 不可能!狼是邪恶的。

  A: A man on TV lived with wolves for many years.

  A: 电视上的一个人和狼生活了很多年。

  B: Didn't they eat him?

  B: 他们没有吃他吗?

  A: No, he is still alive, and he loves wolves.

  A: 不,他还活着,他喜欢狼。

  B: That is so amazing!

  B: 真是太神奇了!

  A: Maybe people have the wrong idea about them.

  A: 也许人们对他们有错误的想法。

  B: Probably. They're always bad in children's books.

  B: 可能吧。他们在儿童读物中总是很糟糕。

  A: I've never heard of a wolf eating a person in real life.

  A: 我从来没有听说过现实生活中有狼吃人。

  B: Neither have I.

  B: 我也没有。

  A: I think I like wolves.

  A: 我想我喜欢狼。

  B: I still don't think they're like dogs, though.

  B: 但我仍然不认为它们像狗。
