巴斯克威尔的猎犬 梅利琵宅邸的主人斯台普吞(10)(在线收听


  "That is the great Grimpen Mire," said he. "A false step yonder means death to man or beast.

  Only yesterday I saw one of the moor ponies wander into it. He never came out. I saw his head forquite a long time craning out of the bog-hole, but it sucked him down at last. Even in dry seasonsit is a danger to cross it, but after these autumn rains it is an awful place. And yet I can find myway to the very heart of it and return alive. By George, there is another of those miserable ponies!"“那就是大格林盆泥潭, ” 他说道,“在那里只要一步不小心, 无论人畜都会丧命的。 昨天我还看到一匹沼地的小马跑了进去, 它再也没有出来。 过了很长时间我还看到它由泥坑里探出头来, 可是最后终于陷了进去。 就是在干燥的月份, 穿过那里也是危险的。 下过这几场秋雨之后, 那里就更加可怕了。 可是我就能找到通往泥潭中心去的道路, 并且还能活着回来。

  天哪! 又是一匹倒霉的小马陷进去了。”

  Something brown was rolling and tossing among the green sedges. Then a long, agonized,writhing neck shot upward and a dreadful cry echoed over the moor. It turned me cold with horror,but my companion's nerves seemed to be stronger than mme.

  这时, 我看到那绿色的苔草丛中, 有个棕色的东西正在上下翻滚, 脖子扭来扭去地向上伸着, 随后发出一阵痛苦的长鸣, 可怕的吼声在沼地里起着回音。 吓得我好象浑身都凉了,可是他的神经似乎比我要坚强些。
