巴斯克威尔的猎犬 梅利琵宅邸的主人斯台普吞(18)(在线收听

  "Queer spot to choose, is it not?" said he as if in answer to my thought. "And yet we manage to make ourselves fairly happy, do we not, Beryl?"“选了个怪里怪气的地点, 是不是? ” 他象回答我所想的问题似地说道, “可是我们竟能过得很快活, 不是吗, 贝莉儿? ”

  "Quite happy," said she, but there was no ring of conviction in her words.

  “很快活。” 她说道。 可是她的语调却显得很勉强。

  "I had a school," said Stapleton. "It was in the north country. The work to a man of my temperament was mechanical and uninteresting, but the privilege of living with youth, of helping to mould those young minds, and of impressing them with one's own character and ideals was very dear to me. However, the fates were against us. A serious epidemic broke out in the school and three of the boys died. It never recovered from the blow, and much of my capital was irretrievably swallowed up. And yet, if it were not for the loss of the charming companionship of the boys, I could rejoice over my own misfortune, for, with my strong tastes for botany and zoology, I find an unlimited field of work here, and my sister is as devoted to Nature as I am. Allthis, Dr. Watson, has been brought upon your head by your expression as you surveyed the moorout of our window."

  “我曾经办过一所学校。”斯台普吞说道,“是在北方, 那种工作对我这种性格的人来说,不免要感到枯燥乏味, 但能够和青年们生活在一起, 帮助和培养那些青年, 并用个人的品行和理想去影响他们的心灵, 这对我来说却是很可贵的。 怎奈我们的运气不好, 学校里发生了严重的传染病, 死了三个男孩, 经过这次打击, 学校再也没有恢复起来, 我的资金也大部分不可挽救地赔了进去。 可是, 如果不是因丧失了与那些可爱的孩子们同居共处之乐的话, 我本可以不把这件不幸的事念念于怀的。 因为我对动物学和植物学有着强烈的爱好, 在这里我发现了无穷无尽的材料可供我进行研究, 而且我妹妹也和我一样地深爱着对大自 然的研究工作。 所有这一切, 华生医生, 在观察着我们窗外的沼地的时候都已钻进了 您的脑子, 由您的表情里就看得出来。”

  "It certainly did cross my mind that it might be a little dull -- less for you, perhaps, than foryour sister."

  “我确曾想到, 这里的生活对您妹妹可能有些枯燥无味, 也许对您还稍微好些。”

  "No, no, I am never dull," said she quickly.

  “不, 不, 我从不感到枯燥。” 她赶快说道。

  "We have books, we have our studies, and we have interesting neighbours. Dr. Mortimer is amost learned man in his own line. Poor Sir Charles was also an admirable companion. We knew him well and miss him more than I can tell. Do you think that I should intrude if I were to call thisafternoon and make the acquaintance of Sir Henry?"“我们有书, 有我们的研究工作, 而且我们还有着有趣的邻居。 摩梯末医生在他那一界里是个最有学问的人了! 可怜的查尔兹爵士也是可亲的同伴。 我们对他知之甚深, 并且对他还感到说不出的怀念。 您认为我今天下午是否应该冒昧地去拜访一下亨利爵士呢? ”

  "I am sure that he would be delighted."

  “我敢说, 他一定会高兴见您的。”

  "Then perhaps you would mention that I propose to do so. We may in our humble way dosomething to make things more easy for him until he becomes accustomed to his newsurroundings. Will you come upstairs, Dr. Watson, and inspect my collection of Lepidoptera? Ithink it is the most complete one in the south-west of England. By the time that you have lookedthrough them lunch will be almost ready."“那么, 最好您顺便提一声, 就说我打算这样作吧。 也许在他习惯于这新的环境以前,我们能聊尽绵薄, 以使他更方便些呢。 华生医生, 您愿意上楼看一看我所收集的鳞翅类昆虫吗? 我想那已是在英伦西南部所能收集的最完整的一套了 。 等您看完的时候, 午饭差不多也就预备好了。”
