巴斯克威尔的猎犬 梅利琵宅邸的主人斯台普吞(19)(在线收听


  But I was eager to get back to my charge. The melancholy of the moor, the death of the unfortunate pony, the weird sound which had been associated with the grim legend of the Baskervilles, all these things tinged my thoughts with sadness. Then on the top of these more or less vague impressions there had come the definite and distinct warning of Miss Stapleton,delivered with such intense earnestness that I could not doubt that some grave and deep reason lay behind it. I resisted all pressure to stay for lunch, and I set off at once upon my return journey,taking the grass-grown path by which we had come.

  可是我已急于要回去看我的委托人了。 阴惨的沼地, 不幸的小马的丧命和那与巴斯克维尔的猎狗的可怕的传说相关联的、 令人毛骨悚然的声音, 所有这些都给我的思想蒙上了一层忧伤的色彩。 浮现在这些多少还是模糊的印象之上的, 就是斯台普吞小姐的清楚、 肯定的警告了。 她当时谈话的态度又是那样的诚心诚意, 使我无法再怀疑在这警告的后面必然有着深刻而严重的理由。 我婉谢了一切使我留下来吃午饭的敦请, 立刻就踏上了 归途, 顺着来时的那条长满野草的小路走了回去。

  It seems, however, that there must have been some short cut for those who knew it, for beforeI had reached the road I was astounded to see Miss Stapleton sitting upon a rock by the side of the track. Her face was beautifully flushed with her exertions and she held her hand to her side.

  好象是路熟的人一定能找到捷径似的, 在我还没有走上大路的时候, 我就大吃一惊地看到了斯台普吞小姐正坐在小路旁边的一块石头上。 她由于经过剧烈运动, 脸上泛出了美丽的红晕, 两手叉着腰。
