巴斯克威尔的猎犬 梅利琵宅邸的主人斯台普吞(21)(在线收听

  "You make too much of it, Dr. Watson," said she. "My brother and I were very much shocked by the death of Sir Charles. We knew him very intimately, for his favourite walk was over the moor to our house. He was deeply impressed with the curse which hung over the family, and when this tragedy came I naturally felt that there must be some grounds for the fears which he had expressed. I was distressed therefore when another member of the family came down to live here,and I felt that he should be warned of the danger which he will run. That was all which I intended to convey.

  “您想得太多了, 华生医生,” 她说道,“我哥哥和我听到了 查尔兹爵士的噩耗以后, 都非常震惊。 我们和这位老人相知甚深, 因为他最喜欢穿过沼地到我们的房子这边来散步。 他深深地受着笼罩着他家的厄运的影响。 在这悲剧发生之后, 我自然而然地感觉到, 他所表现的恐惧绝非出之无因。 现在当这家又有人到这里来住的时候, 我感到担心, 因此我觉得, 对于可能又降临在他身 上的危险, 应该提出警告来。 这就是我想传达给他的全部的意思。”

  "But what is the danger?"

  “可是, 您所说的危险是什么呢? ”

  "You know the story of the hound?"

  “您知道那个猎狗的故事吧? ”

  "I do not believe in such nonsense."


  "But I do. If you have any influence with Sir Henry, take him away from a place which has always been fatal to his family. The world is wide. Why should he wish to live at the place of danger?"

  “可是我相信。 如果您还能影响亨利爵士的话, 就请您把他从对他们一家说来永远是个致命的所在带走吧。 四海之大, 尽有安身 之处, 为什么他偏偏愿意住在这个危险的地方呢? ”

  "Because it is the place of danger. That is Sir Henry's nature. I fear that unless you can give me some more definite information than this it would be impossible to get him to move."“正因为这是个危险的地方, 他才到这里来住的, 亨利爵士的性格就是这样。 除非您能再供给我一些比这更加具体的材料, 否则, 若想让他离开这里恐怕是不太容易的。”

  "I cannot say anything definite, for I do not know anything definite."“我再说不出任何具体的东西来了 , 因为我根本就不知道任何具体的东西。”

  "I would ask you one more question, Miss Stapleton. If you meant no more than this when you first spoke to me, why should you not wish your brother to overhear what you said? There is nothing to which he, or anyone else, could object."“我要再问您一个问题, 斯台普吞小姐。 如果说, 您当初和我说的时候寓意只不过如此的话, 为什么您不愿让您哥哥听到您的话呢? 这里面并没有值得他或是任何人反对的地方啊。 ”

  "My brother is very anxious to have the Hall inhabited, for he thinks it is for the good of the poor folk upon the moor. He would be very angry if he knew that I have said anything which might induce Sir Henry to go away. But I have done my duty now and I will say no more. I must go back, or he will miss me and suspect that I have seen you. Good-bye!" She turned and had disappeared in a few minutes among the scattered boulders, while I, with my soul full of vague fears, pursued my way to Baskerville Hall.

  “我哥哥很希望这座庄园能有人住下来, 因为他认为这样对沼地上的穷人们会有些好处。 如果他知道我说了什么可能会使亨利爵士离开这里的话, 他可能会大发雷霆呢。 现在我已尽了我的责任了, 我再不说什么了。 我得回去了, 否则他看不见我, 就会怀疑我是来和你见面了。 再见吧!” 她转身走去, 几分钟之内就消失在乱石之中了, 而我就怀着莫名的恐惧赶回了巴斯克维尔庄园。
