2023年经济学人 充分利用领英(2)(在线收听

  If you are an analyst at Goldman Sachs, connect with every analyst in JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and UBS.


  Don’t worry, they are thinking the same thing, so are likely to oblige.


  While you are at it, you might as well approach everyone with a pulse at Goldman, too.


  If a higher-up—best of all, the CEO— happens to accept, you have struck gold.


  The boss’s existing connections will treat you as more of an equal; those desperate to get one degree of separation closer to the top dog will come begging.


  Your network will explode.


  Next, flaunt your every success.


  LinkedIn is to white-collar workers what Instagram is to fashionistas: a way to present the most envy-provoking version of yourself.


  “Deeply honoured to have been ranked in the Global Elite category of Thought Leaders by [insert name of obscure organisation which hands out random titles].”


  If you want everyone to know that you were a speaker at the Bloomberg Global Regulatory Forum, attach photos of yourself on the podium—and own it.


  Posting is, in essence, showing off, so any attempt to mitigate invariably comes across as humble-bragging (“I was told by colleagues I should be sharing my successes.


  So I am proud to announce that I was invited to participate in the Innovation Leaders panel.”).


  Bartleby posts only her columns (such as this one) with zero commentary.


  While you are feeding the app your achievements, do not pay too much attention to those of others—that will allow you to appear poised and unflappable, not envious.


  Ignore automatically generated prompts like “Congratulate Dimitris on starting a new position as co-head of European Private Equity at KKR”.


  These are designed, as if by your mother, to rub it in your face and motivate you to be more ambitious (come to think of it, she did mention your cousin had moved to London).


  You need to play it cool so disregard all automatic prompts such as “Take a moment to recognise one year of being connected to your co-worker”.


  That time is better spent forging fresh connections to rack up the numbers—which, in the gratification-seeking, gamified world of social-networking, is ultimately a big part of what LinkedIn is all about.


  According to the latest notification, “You appeared in 178 searches this week.”


  So you must be doing something right.

