
Be Yourself 做你自己

  A: The girls at school don't want to be my friends.

  A: 学校里的女孩不想成为我的朋友。

  B: Why don't they want to be your friends?

  B: 他们为什么不想成为你的朋友?

  A: It's because I don't dress like they do.

  A: 因为我不像他们那样穿衣服。

  B: There is nothing wrong with the way you dress.

  B: 你的穿着方式没有什么问题。

  A: They listen to different music.

  A: 他们听不同的音乐。

  B: Music is pointless if you don't enjoy it.

  B: 如果你不喜欢音乐,音乐就毫无意义。

  A: They curl their hair and eyelashes.

  A: 他们卷曲头发和睫毛。

  B: Doing that everyday damages your hair.

  B: 每天这样做会损害你的头发。

  A: Maybe if I do those things, I can be their friend.

  A: 也许如果我做了这些事,我可以成为他们的朋友。

  B: It won't be fun to do things you don't enjoy.

  B: 做你不喜欢的事情不会很有趣。

  A: Then who will be my friend?

  A: 那谁会是我的朋友?

  B: I'm your friend, because I like you for who you are.

  B: 我是你的朋友,因为我喜欢你。
