巴斯克维尔的猎犬 设网(10)(在线收听


"Yes, we should have a full day to-day," he remarked, and he rubbed his hands with the joy ofaction. "The nets are all in place, and the drag is about to begin. We'll know before the day is outwhether we have caught our big, leanjawed pike, or whether he has got through the meshes."“啊, 今天咱们得好好地干他一天!” 他说着, 一面由于行动之前的喜悦搓着双手,“网是全部下好了, 眼看就要往回拉了。 今天咱们就能见个分晓, 究竟是咱们把那条尖嘴大梭鱼捉住呢, 还是它由咱们的网眼里溜掉。”

"Have you been on the moor already?"

“你已经到沼地里去过了吗? ”

"I have sent a report from Grimpen to Princetown as to the death of Selden. I think I canpromise that none of you will be troubled in the matter. And I have also communicated with myfaithful Cartwright, who would certainly have pined away at the door of my hut, as a dog does athis master's grave, if I had not set his mind at rest about my safety."“我已经由格林盆发了一份关于塞尔丹死亡的报告到王子镇去了。 我想我能许下诺言,你们之中谁也不会再因为这件事而发生麻烦了 。 我还和我那忠实的卡特莱联系了 一下, 如果我不使他知道我是安全无恙的话, 他一定会象一只守在它主人坟墓旁边的狗一样地在我那小屋门口憔悴死的。”

"What is the next move?"

“下一步怎么办呢? ”

"To see Sir Henry. Ah, here he is!"

“那得去找亨利爵士商量一下。 啊, 他来了 !”

"Good-morning, Holmes," said the baronet. "You look like a general who is planning a battlewith his chief of the staff."

“早安, 福尔摩斯,” 准男爵说道,“您真象是一个正在和参谋长计划一次战役的将军。”

"That is the exact situation. Watson was asking for orders."“正是这样。 华生正在向我请求命令呢。”

"And so do I."


"Very good. You are engaged, as I understand, to dine with our friends the Stapletonsto-night."

“很好, 据我了解, 您今晚被约去咱们的朋友斯台普吞家吃饭吧? ”

"I hope that you will come also. They are very hospitable people, and I am sure that theywould be very glad to see you."

“我希望您也去。 他们很好客, 而且我敢说, 他们见到您一定会很高兴的。”

"I fear that Watson and I must go to London."“恐怕华生和我一定要去伦敦呢。”

"To London?"

“到伦敦去? ”

"Yes, I think that we should be more useful there at the present juncture."“是的, 我想在这个时候我们去伦敦要比在这里更有用得多了 。”

The baronet's face perceptibly lengthened.

可以看得出来, 准男爵的脸上显出了不高兴的样子。
