巴斯克维尔的猎犬 设网(12)(在线收听


"One more direction! I wish you to drive to Merripit House Send back your trap, however,and let them know that you intend to walk home."“再向您提出一个要求, 我希望您坐马车去梅利琵宅邸, 然后把您的马车打发回来, 让他们知道, 您是打算走着回家的。”

"To walk across the moor?"

“走过沼地吗? ”



"But that is the very thing which you have so often cautioned me not to do."“可是, 这正是您常常嘱咐我不要作的事啊!”

"This time you may do it with safety. If I had not every confidence in your nerve and courageI would not suggest it, but it is essential that you should do it."“这一次您这样做, 保证安全。 如果我对您的神经和勇气没有完全的信任的话, 我也不会提出这样的建议来。 您千万得这样做啊。”

"Then I will do it."

“那么, 我就这样做吧。”

"And as you value your life do not go across the moor in any direction save along the straightpath which leads from Merripit House to the Grimpen Road, and is your natural way home."“如果您珍视您的性命的话, 穿过沼地的时候, 除了从梅利琵宅邸直通格林盆大路的直路之外, 不要走别的方向, 那是您回家的必经之路。”

"I will do just what you say."


"Very good. I should be glad to get away as soon after breakfast as possible, so as to reachLondon in the afternoon."

“很好。 我倒愿意在早饭之后愈快动身愈好, 这样下午就能到伦敦了。”

I was much astounded by this programme, though I remembered that Holmes had said toStapleton on the night before that his visit would terminate next day. It had not crossed my mindhowever, that he would wish me to go with him, nor could I understand how we could both beabsent at a moment which he himself declared to be critical. There was nothing for it, however,but implicit obedience; so we bade good-bye to our rueful friend, and a couple of hours afterwardswe were at the station of Coombe Tracey and had dispatched the trap upon its return journey. Asmall boy was waiting upon the platform.

虽然我还记得福尔摩斯昨天晚上曾和斯台普吞说过, 他的拜访是到第二天为止的, 可是这个行程的计划还是使我为之大吃一惊, 我怎么也没有想到他会希望我和他一起走。 我也弄不明白, 在他亲口说是最危险的时刻, 我们两人怎能全都离开呢? 可是毫无办法, 只有盲目地服从。 这样, 我们就向愠怒的朋友告了别, 两小时之后我们就到了库姆· 特雷西车站, 随即把马车打发回去。 月台上有个小男孩在等着我们。
