巴斯克维尔的猎犬 设网(16)(在线收听


"Mr. Holmes," she said, "this man had offered me marriage on condition that I could get adivorce from my husband. He has lied to me, the villain, in every conceivable way. Not one wordof truth has he ever told me. And why -- why? I imagined that all was for my own sake. But now Isee that I was never anything but a tool in his hands. Why should I preserve faith with him whonever kept any with me? Why should I try to shield him from the consequences of his own wickedacts? Ask me what you like, and there is nothing which I shall hold back. One thing I swear to you,and that is that when I wrote the letter I never dreamed of any harm to the old gentleman, who hadbeen my kindest friend."

“福尔摩斯先生,” 她说道,“这个人曾向我提议, 只要我能和我丈夫离婚, 他就和我结婚。这个坏蛋, 他为了骗我。什么花招都想出来了, 他没有和我说过一句实话。可是为什么……为什么呢? 我一直认为一切都是为了我的原故。 现在我才算明白了 , 我一直就是他手里的工具。 他对我从没有丝毫真情, 我为什么要对他保持忠诚呢, 我为什么要掩护他, 使他免食自己所犯罪行的恶果呢? 您愿意问什么就问我吧! 我是什么也不会隐瞒的了。 不过有一点, 我可以对您发誓, 就是当我写那封信的时候, 我从没有想到会有害于那位老绅士, 他是待我最好的朋友了。”

"I entirely believe you, madam," said Sherlock Holmes.

“我完全相信您, 太太,” 歇洛克· 福尔摩斯说,"The recital of these events must be very painful to you, and perhaps it will make it easier if Itell you what occurred, and you can check me if I make any material mistake. The sending of thisletter was suggested to you by Stapleton?"

“重述这些事情, 对您说来一定会是很痛苦的。 不妨让我先把事情的原委说一遍, 然后您再来检查一下, 看其中是否有什么重大的错误, 这样您或许可以好受一些。 那封信是斯台普吞建议您写的吧? ”

"He dictated it."

“是他口授, 我写的。”

"I presume that the reason he gave was that you would receive help from Sir Charles for thelegal expenses connected with your divorce?"

“我想, 他提出让您写信的理由是: 您可以由此得到查尔兹爵士在经济上的帮助, 作为您在离婚诉讼中的费用吧? ”


