巴斯克维尔的猎犬 巴斯克维尔的猎犬(2)(在线收听


"Are you armed, Lestrade?"

“你带着武器吗, 雷斯垂德? ”

The little detective smiled.

那矮个儿侦探微笑了 一下。

"As long as I have my trousers I have a hip-pocket, and as long as I have my hip-pocket Ihave something in it."

“只要我穿着裤子, 屁股后面就有个口袋, 既然有这个口袋, 我就要在里面搁点什么。”

"Good! My friend and I are also ready for emergencies."“好啊! 我的朋友和我也都作好应急的准备了 。”

"You're mighty close about this affair, Mr. Holmes. What's the game now?"“你对这件事瞒得可真够严密呀, 福尔摩斯先生。 现在咱们干什么呢? ”

"A waiting game."


"My word, it does not seem a very cheerful place," said the detective with a shiver, glancinground him at the gloomy slopes of the hill and at the huge lake of fog which lay over the GrimpenMire. "I see the lights of a house ahead of us."“我说, 这里可真不是个使人高兴的地方, ” 那侦探说着就打了个冷战, 向四周望望那阴暗的山坡和在格林盆泥潭上面积成的雾海。“我看到了 咱们前面一所房子里的灯光了。”

"That is Merripit House and the end of our journey. I must request you to walk on tiptoe andnot to talk above a whisper."

“那是梅利琵宅邸, 也就是我们这次旅程的终点了。现在我要求你们一定得用足尖走路,说话也只能低声耳语。”

We moved cautiously along the track as if we were bound for the house, but Holmes haltedus when we were about two hundred yards from it.

我们继续沿着小径前进, 看样子我们是要到那房子那里去, 可是到了离房子约两百码的地方, 福尔摩斯就把我们叫住了。
