巴斯克维尔的猎犬 巴斯克维尔的猎犬(3)(在线收听


"This will do," said he. "These rocks upon the right make an admirable screen."“就在这里好了 。” 他说道,“右侧的这些山石是绝妙的屏障。”

"We are to wait here?"

“咱们就在这里等吗? ”

"Yes, we shall make our little ambush here. Get into this hollow, Lestrade. You have beeninside the house, have you not, Watson? Can you tell the position of the rooms? What are thoselatticed windows at this end?"

“对了, 咱们就要在这里作一次小规模的伏击。 雷斯垂德, 到这条沟里来吧。 华生, 你曾经到那所房子里面去过吧, 是不是? 你能说出各个房间的位置吗? 这一头的几个格子窗是什么屋的窗户? ”

"I think they are the kitchen windows."


"And the one beyond, which shines so brightly?"“再往那边那个很亮的呢? ”

"That is certainly the dining-room."


"The blinds are up. You know the lie of the land best. Creep forward quietly and see whatthey are doing -- but for heaven's sake don't let them know that they are watched!"“百叶窗是拉起来的。 你最熟悉这里的地形。 悄悄地走过去, 看看他们正在做什么, 可是千万不要让他们知道有人在监视着他们!”

I tiptoed down the path and stooped behind the low wall which surrounded the stuntedorchard. Creeping in its shadow I reached a point whence I could look straight through theuncurtained window.

我轻轻地顺着小径走去, 弯身藏在一堵矮墙的后面, 矮墙周围是长得很糟的果木林。 借着阴影我到了一个地方, 从那里可以直接望进没有挂窗帘的窗口。

There were only two men in the room, Sir Henry and Stapleton. They sat with their profilestowards me on either side of the round table. Both of them were smoking cigars, and coffee andwine were in front of them. Stapleton was talking with animation, but the baronet looked pale anddistrait. Perhaps the thought of that lonely walk across the ill-omened moor was weighing heavilyupon his mind.

屋里只有亨利爵士和斯台普吞两个人。 他们面对面坐在一张圆桌的两边, 侧面向着我。

两人都在吸着雪茄, 面前还放着咖啡和葡萄酒。 斯台普吞正在兴致勃勃地谈论着, 而准男爵却是面色苍白, 心不在焉, 也许是因为他想到要独自一人穿过那不祥的沼地, 心头感到沉重。
